Texas CASA

Bill Tracker

View the Bill Tracker below to keep up with the key bills Texas CASA is tracking during the 89th Legislative Session.

high priority bills

Bill NumberAuthorShort DescriptionPriorities
HB 1155Lacey Hull

Relating to monetary assistance provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services to certain parents. Read full bill.

High Priority Bills
HB 1211John Lujan

Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Read full bill.

High Priority Bills
HB 908David Spiller

Relating to the reporting by law enforcement agencies of missing children to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Read full bill.

High Priority Bills
SB 166Jose Menendez

Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Read full bill.

High Priority Bills
SB 364Sarah Eckhardt

Relating to eligibility for tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Read full bill.

High Priority Bills

family preservation Bills

Texas CASA supports policies that preserve families, promote family reunification when possible, and minimize the time children spend in foster care.
Bill NumberAuthorShort DescriptionPriorities
HB 1155Lacey Hull

Relating to monetary assistance provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services to certain parents. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 1747Liz Campos

Relating to the administration of funding for the coordination of mental health, substance use, and public health care services in this state. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 1955Senfronia Thompson

Relating to the establishment of an early childhood mental health home visiting grant program. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 330Terry Meza

Relating to reporting and investigating certain cases of child abuse or neglect involving a pregnant person’s use of a controlled substance. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 475Ann Johnson

Relating to Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for multisystemic therapy services. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 488Ann Johnson

Relating to Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for functional family therapy services. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 624Senfronia Thompson

Relating to the placement on community supervision, including deferred adjudication community supervision, of a defendant who is the primary caretaker of a child. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 681Barbara Gervin-Hawkins

Relating to policies and procedures of the Department of Family and Protective Services, including regarding service plans and post-removal assessments. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 709Senfronia Thompson

Relating to the requirement and study of insurance coverage for serious emotional disturbance of a child. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
HB 821Diego Bernal

Relating to the establishment of a grocery access investment fund program. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
SB 226Royce West

Relating to establishing residency for children who are the subject of parental child safety placement agreements for purposes of admission into public schools. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
SB 51Judith Zaffirini

Relating to the licensing of marriage and family therapists, marriage and family therapist associates, professional counselors, professional counselor associates, and social workers, including certain out-of-state applicants. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
SB 607Royce West

Relating to monetary assistance provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services to certain parental child safety placement caregivers. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills
SB 646Royce West

Relating to repayment of certain mental health professional education loans. Read full bill.

Family Preservation Bills

kinship Bills

Texas CASA supports funding and policies that further support and encourage placement with relative caregivers.
Bill NumberAuthorShort DescriptionPriorities
HB 1046Salman Bhojani

Relating to the payment of support rights and benefits for a child placed with a relative or other designated caregiver. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills
HB 1440Barbara Gervin-Hawkins

Relating to the Department of Family and Protective Services’ annual report of key performance measures and data elements for child protection; authorizing a penalty. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills
HB 1473Terry Meza

Relating to monetary assistance provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services to certain relative or designated caregivers. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills
HB 215Ryan Guillen

Relating to the payment of support rights and benefits for a child placed with a relative or other designated caregiver. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills
HB 741Barbara Gervin-Hawkins

Relating to the procedures for the removal of certain children in the managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services and monetary assistance provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services to certain relative or designated caregivers. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills
SB 200Jose Menendez

Relating to the payment of support rights and benefits for a child placed with a relative or other designated caregiver. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills
SB 224Royce West

Relating to prohibiting child-placing agencies from imposing certain requirements on relative and designated caregivers. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills
SB 545Jose Menendez

Relating to the licensing of relative or other designated caregivers by the Department of Family and Protective Services and monetary assistance provided to certain relative or designated caregivers. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills
SB 576Royce West

Relating to information made available to a relative or other designated caregiver. Read full bill.

Kinship Bills

older youth Bills

Texas CASA supports funding and policies that improve services and supports for older youth in foster care, and older youth exiting foster care.
Bill NumberAuthorShort DescriptionPriorities
HB 1083Pat Curry

Relating to eligibility for tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
HB 1211John Lujan

Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
HB 1634John Lujan

Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
HB 1825Rhetta Bowers

Relating to the exchange of certain information between the Department of Family and Protective Services or certain foster care services contractors and a state or local juvenile justice agency. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
HB 1966Josey Garcia

Relating to a study on the housing needs of youth transitioning out of foster care or the juvenile justice system. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
HB 277James Talarico

Relating to the measures to encourage eligible students to claim certain tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for students who are or have been in foster or other residential care. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
HB 473Barbara Gervin-Hawkins

Relating to notice of rights provided to a patient receiving certain mental health, chemical dependency, or rehabilitation treatment or services at certain facilities. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
SB 165Jose Menendez

Relating to the measures to encourage eligible students to claim certain tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for students who are or have been in foster or other residential care. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
SB 166Jose Menendez

Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
SB 194Jose Menendez

Relating to the diversion of certain foster youth from the juvenile justice system, including through emergency behavior intervention by certain persons providing foster care services. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
SB 364Sarah Eckhardt

Relating to eligibility for tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
SB 399Kevin Sparks

Relating to a biennial audit of the effectiveness and efficiencies of state services provided to homeless individuals. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills
SB 602Royce West

Relating to the Preparation for Adult Living Program and other services for foster children transitioning to independent living. Read full bill.

Older Youth Bills

placement Bills

Texas CASA supports funding and policies that provide a child access to safe, stable placements in their community that meet their individual need and support their permanency goals.
Bill NumberAuthorShort DescriptionPriorities
HB 1040Chris Turner

Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing or carrying certain weapons in certain facilities or residences providing services to individuals with an intellectual disability or a developmental disability. Read full bill.

Placement Bills
HB 1071Nate Schatzline

Relating to the establishment of the Texas Adoption Assistance Program. Read full bill.

Placement Bills
HB 1354Terri Leo-Wilson

Relating to the establishment of the Texas Adoption Assistance Program. Read full bill.

Placement Bills
HB 1892David Cook

Relating to the Uniform Unregulated Child Custody Transfer Act; creating criminal offenses. Read full bill.

Placement Bills
HB 1967Josey Garcia

Relating to a plan by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department to modernize post-adjudication secure correctional facilities. Read full bill.

Placement Bills
HB 908David Spiller

Relating to the reporting by law enforcement agencies of missing children to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Read full bill.

Placement Bills
SB 327Mayes Middleton

Relating to the establishment of the Texas Adoption Assistance Program. Read full bill.

Placement Bills